Meet Locatium, the Global Location Intelligence Platform for Retail Network Optimization, at NACS SHOW 2022

Book 30 minutes meeting with us at NACS SHOW 2022, and discover how Telco operators are achieving EBITDA gains of over $100m by using data streams and industry-specific algorithms.

date: October 1 - 4, 2022

what our Network Planning optimization Tool can do for retailers

Locatium is a cloud-native SaaS platform to support Telcos in optimizing their businesses— strategically, tactically, and operationally.

Our platform combines location data streams, disruptive big data technologies, and AI/ML algorithms that allow our clients to make optimization decisions in an automated way.

Look down at the use cases we have for the Retail Industry.

Site Selection

Choosing the best locations to shape a network of establishments within a specific geographic area and let your sales increase in 15-20%.

Sales Forecasting

Anticipate the future and get a fairly accurate estimate of the sales figures that each store will have.

Portfolio Optimization

You will be able to know with total reliability which products are the most successful and least successful in each establishment.

Cannibalization Analysis

Analyze all effects of nearby establishments of the same brand to avoid losses due to omnichannel cannibalization.

Capacity Planning

Know the degree of saturation of an area in which you want to have a presence and its maximum capacity so that you do not make an effort that does not offer benefits in the future.

Cross-channel Analysis

Know the influence existing between all the existing channels using properly processed geographic data to identify trends that are not using other more traditional techniques.

Visitation Analysis

Look in detail at the habits and customs of the customers who access your establishment.

Competition Intelligence

Use a trained tool to analyze your closest competitors' performance. We help you to design a more effective strategy.

Customer Segmentation

Group your customers and create offers and actions 100% adapted according to the most relevant characteristics of your business, guaranteeing you higher success rates.

White Space Analysis

Analyze the most convenient blank spaces in which there is no presence of own businesses or competition, and figure out in which it is worth investing or if it is better not to use resources in them.

Demand Forecasting

Predict what your clients demand and have in your establishment the products they want, anticipating its peaks and valleys and making sure you have the right supply at all times.

Join the future, Join Locatium

The future is multidimensional, it is already here and Locatium is casting light on it. Book a meeting with us and discover how Locatium Network Planning Optimization Tool can help you to optimize and grow retail business in this new era.

HOW Locatium Network Optimization Tool WORKS

Locatium is a cloud-native SaaS platform to help Retail companies to grow faster— strategically, tactically and operationally. 

Book a meeting with us and discover how Locatium Network Planning Optimization Tool can help you.

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