Omnichannel Retail Network Optimization

Store analytics with geolocated data to know the best locations for establishments, as well as their product catalog and other features. All this avoids the risks derived from the presence of competitors and from cannibalization itself.

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Omnichannel is a common denominator for companies in the retail sector. To successfully face this scenario, Location Intelligence technology can identify the influences between the different channels. Our solutions are based on these channels and turn the dominant trends into smart business strategies.

Advanced data analysis has become one of the most effective tools for designing store networks and making smart decisions. The retail sector should not be alien to this and include itself in an advanced management model that allows it to make the best business decisions. Here are the most relevant ones.

Site Selection

The solutions that result in problems related to site selection are capable of choosing the best locations to shape a network of establishments within a specific geographic area. In this way, you make sure that they are efficient and will have an optimal return on investment.

Stores that do not present minimally viable results can also be identified to decide which ones to close or restructure.

Sales Forecasting

Thanks to the predictive capacity of intelligent geospatial data modeling, you can anticipate the future and get a fairly accurate estimate of the sales figures that each store will have.

This way, you can create strategies well in advance and ensure the best results when the time comes.

Demand Forecasting

It guarantees to always have in your establishment the products that your clients demand, for their greater satisfaction.

To do this, you will have accurate predictions of this demand at your fingertips, anticipating its peaks and valleys and making sure you have the right supply at all times.

Portfolio Optimization

You will be able to know with total reliability which products are the most successful and least successful in each establishment.

Information that will be extremely useful when you have to define the product catalog for each store, minimizing the risk of assuming costs involved in the acquisition and sale of barely requested products.

Cannibalization Analysis

The presence of nearby establishments of the same brand can have negative effects on the results of the store. In addition, the existence of other sales channels, such as e-commerce, can also reduce sales figures.

Analyze all these effects to avoid losing losses due to omnichannel cannibalization.

Capacity Planning

In all markets and geographic areas, there is a maximum number of establishments that can be installed. Beyond this, business results will suffer.

It makes it essential to know the degree of saturation of an area and its maximum capacity so that we do not make an effort that will not offer benefits in the future.

Cross-Channel Analysis

In an omnichannel scenario, as it predominates in the retail sector, it is very important to know the influence existing between all the existing channels.

Properly processed geographic data is a very valuable element for this, especially when identifying trends that are not using other more traditional techniques.

Visitation Analysis

Enjoy a solution that allows you to know in detail the habits and customs of the customers who access your establishment.

It monitors the most frequented areas, in which the public spends more time, the hours and days of greatest and least influx, consumption data, and many more variables of interest.

Competition Intelligence

For the success of your project, you must not lose sight of your closest competitors.

That is why you must have a trained tool to analyze their performance. From its results, you can design a more effective strategy.

Customer Segmentation

Group your customers according to the most relevant characteristics of your business. Here sociodemographic, economic, and cultural variables come into play related to certain habits, etc.

So you can create offers and actions 100% adapted to their profiles, guaranteeing you higher success rates.

White Space Analysis

The blank spaces are those areas in which there is no presence of own businesses or competition.

Therefore it is convenient to study if these are areas in which it is worth investing or if it is better not to use resources in them.

Learn about all our use cases

Discover how we have managed to help companies grow and be more competitive with the advanced study of geographic data.

our platform

The geographic data involved in optimizing the processes of the retail sector are not 100% usable if they are not properly visualized. For this reason, we have focused many efforts on offering a platform that allows obtaining information beyond pure data, with maps, tables, and graphs that speed up its interpretation.

Case Studies

Locatium technology opens up a world of improvement possibilities for telco, retail, logistics, transport operators and any organization industry who needs to optimize their locations and networks.

We hope you found our content interesting. If you want to know in-depth everything we have told you to contact us. Do not think about it! Show us everything we can do with our data in your business sector.